阳坊胜利 (北京北投购物公园店)
阳坊胜利涮羊肉是北京阳坊胜利食品有限公司旗下品牌。1984年9月,李胜利夫妇创立阳坊胜利涮羊肉品牌,已有38年的历史,是北京历史传承悠久的老牌民族餐饮品牌。 在北京共有9家直营店,50余家加盟店。为宾客带来嫩而不膻的涮肉体验。阳坊胜利涮羊肉秉承“好羊肉才敢清水涮”的品牌理念,采用传统的铜锅炭火烹饪。 搭配内蒙古锡林郭勒大草原自然牧养180天的奶羔羊,所使用的羊肉具有“3秒即熟、久涮不老”的特点。
Founded in September 1984 by Li Shengli, Yangfang Shengli Shuan Yangrou, a brand under Beijing Yangfang Shengli Food Co., Ltd., boasts a 38-year history as a renowned ethnic catering brand in Beijing. With 9 direct-operated stores and over 50 franchises, it offers a unique hot pot experience using traditional copper pot charcoal cooking and high-quality lamb from Inner Mongolia's Xilin Gol grassland, known for its quick readiness and ageless tenderness.
重构阳坊盛景图中‘故事点与空间的关联’是我们在本案中尝试的一种可能。采用借景、夹景、画意、留白的表现手法,融入京城烟火气的底蕴, 创造可行可望、可游可居的用餐体验。传统山水长卷中的散点透视画法与当下空间所面临的多元需求、多重场景的运营诉求不谋而合。在一个长轴的空间上,许多的故事与生活如画卷般徐徐展开。
The association between "story points and spatial connections" is a possibility we are exploring in the Yangfang Scenery. By employing techniques such as borrowed scenery, juxtaposition, artistic expression, and blank spaces, we integrate the essence of the bustling atmosphere of Beijing, creating a dining experience that is feasible, desirable, and enjoyable. The scattered perspective painting technique found in traditional landscape scrolls coincides with the diverse needs and operational demands of contemporary spaces. In a space with a long axis, numerous stories and life unfold gradually like a scroll.