西少爷是奇点同舟餐饮管理(北京)有限公司旗下的国际快餐连锁品牌,成立于2014年,创始人团队来自全球著名互联网公司腾讯 Tencent、百度 Baidu,是一家专注于中餐的国际快餐连锁品牌,受众定位于中高收入年轻一代群体,在国内外有百余家连锁餐厅,目前门店覆盖北京、天津、郑州、西安、 石家庄、济南、青岛、太原、海口以及海外加拿大等地。
Xi Shao Ye, a global fast-food chain brand under Qidian Tongzhou Catering Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., was founded in 2014 by a team from Tencent and Baidu. Specializing in Chinese cuisine, it targets the middle to high-income young demographic. With over a hundred locations worldwide, it has a presence in cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, and even internationally in Canada.
The collision of diverse cultures and traditions in Singapore has turned it into a melting pot of various culinary delights. People from different countries come together over food, deepening friendships. Leveraging its inherent site characteristics and the unique blend of cultures, a unified design language seamlessly integrates elements into the entire space. Utilizing a play of light and dark tones, the exclusive fast-food culture of 'Xi Shao Ye' enhances a sense of depth, echoing the geographical context. The spatial mapping reflects the textures of ingredients and enhances the dining experience.
西少爷是奇点同舟餐饮管理(北京)有限公司旗下的国际快餐连锁品牌,成立于2014年,创始人团队来自全球著名互联网公司腾讯 Tencent、百度 Baidu,是一家专注于中餐的国际快餐连锁品牌,受众定位于中高收入年轻一代群体,在国内外有百余家连锁餐厅,目前门店覆盖北京、天津、郑州、西安、 石家庄、济南、青岛、太原、海口以及海外加拿大等地。
Xi Shao Ye, a global fast-food chain brand under Qidian Tongzhou Catering Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., was founded in 2014 by a team from Tencent and Baidu. Specializing in Chinese cuisine, it targets the middle to high-income young demographic. With over a hundred locations worldwide, it has a presence in cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, and even internationally in Canada.
新加坡是东南亚地区的一个“小红点”,多元文化与传统的相互碰撞让新加坡 成为各种风味美食的汇聚之地,来自不同国家地区的人在这里以美食为纽带 加深彼此情谊。将它自带的场地属性,以及文化融合的特殊性,运用统一化的设计语言将元素整体融入到整个空间中。将‘西少爷’独属的快餐文化属性,可以采用明与暗的色调增加虚实感,呼应场地本身地理位置属性。在空间的映射下反映出食材本身的质感与用餐体验。
The collision of diverse cultures and traditions in Singapore has turned it into a melting pot of various culinary delights. People from different countries come together over food, deepening friendships. Leveraging its inherent site characteristics and the unique blend of cultures, a unified design language seamlessly integrates elements into the entire space. Utilizing a play of light and dark tones, the exclusive fast-food culture of 'Xi Shao Ye' enhances a sense of depth, echoing the geographical context. The spatial mapping reflects the textures of ingredients and enhances the dining experience.