海底捞 (扬州三盛国际店)

针对海底捞的强大的供应链,打造一个商场集合店的主题空间。在入口置入一个具有冲击感的小型商场,营造一个店中店的概念。海底捞供应链上所有产品都在这里展示出来。还可以结合娱乐、体验功能模块,嵌入到空间中,同时对应功能营造出热闹的用餐氛围。火锅与超市的碰撞表现形式打破了常规的用餐印象,创造独特多重的体验感。狭义的产品主义指向产品, 广义的产品主义, 是顾客进店后的所有体验, 都是产品。产品主义不仅仅是对产品的聚焦, 更是以品牌为中心, 重新解构核心产品、服务、顾客体验及营销策略等消费新生态滚动的多媒体设置使整体空间更具有未来感和品牌化, LED 屏幕创造更多的可能性,在装饰空间的同时也可有功能性。将展示功能盒子嵌入到整个空间中。蔬菜,肉品,海鲜,等体验娱乐模块,灵活嵌入空间中,超市的热闹气氛从入口到室内达到融会贯通的氛围感。

Design a dynamic space showcasing the robust supply chain of Haidilao. Introduce a mini-mall at the entrance, highlighting all products in the chain. Blend entertainment seamlessly, breaking dining norms with a hot pot and supermarket fusion. Embrace product-centricity, focusing on both products and brand essence. Incorporate LED screens for a futuristic and branded touch. Embed versatile display modules throughout, creating a lively and immersive atmosphere from entrance to interior.


等体验娱乐模块, 灵活嵌入空间中,超市的
热闹气氛从入口到室内达到融会贯通的氛 围感。

Incorporate interactive display modules throughout the space, featuring experiences like vegetables, meats, seafood, etc. Flexibly integrate these entertainment modules to seamlessly carry the lively atmosphere of a supermarket from the entrance to the interior, creating a cohesive and immersive ambiance.

滚动的多媒体设置使整体空间更具有未来感和品牌化,LED 屏幕创造更多的可能性,在装饰空间的同时也可有功能性。

Incorporate futuristic multimedia and functional LED screens for a branded and dynamic space, enhancing both aesthetics and user experience.

CONTACT US: golucci@gmail.com