松本樓 Matsumoto Restaurant

松本楼餐饮集团主要是以铁板烧及和式料理闻名全国的知名品牌,本项目位于北京, 面积约有600多平米。东方文化的神韵在本质上有着许多共通的特性,因此设计师利旭恒先生将本案定位成”现代日式风格餐厅”,选取日本文化中传统的”樱花、清酒、纸灯笼、祈福牌”等最具代表意义的印象符号,透过现代的装置手法及与顾客互动的概念,演变成店里独树一格的装饰艺术品。同时将日本国技”相扑”的传统造型,简化成线条利落又极具现代感的文化图腾,在灯光的衬托下构成一连串的奇妙视觉体验,成功营造出一个富有时尚和风的用餐氛围。

atsumoto Restaurant is a Japanese food chain store brand in China. This time, they invited the famous Taiwan designer Lee Hsuheng to conduct the design. Feeling people’s desperate pursuit of fame and benefits in large cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the designer realizes the great importance to bring people back to simplicity and the true themselves, so the interesting concept --- “pray for blessings” comes out.  

Lee Hsuheng uses Japanese Taiko, Clifford board, family totem and sumo-culture elements to decorate the Restaurant. Inside, the lights create a sense of magnificence and fashion. Outside, the exterior wall, decorated by multi-layer timber Japanese Clifford boards, does not only provide a fantastic visual experience, but also presents to customers a unique space in the Restaurant to pray for blessings. The customers can write their wishes to future in the boards, which both brings the customers an expectation of realizing their wishes, and also it becomes an engagement between Matsumoto Restaurant and customers.  

The designer embodies the miniature of China’s harmonious society with the project. The unique design shall also produce more established customers to the Restaurant, which well expresses the designer’s belief --- good design shall show its own commercial value.

CONTACT US: golucci@gmail.com