Mr.Lee Noodle house

一部介紹中國各地美食的紀錄片 ”舌尖上的中國” 受到極大的關注,其中有一段話,訴說著出外人心中對故鄉的牽掛:無論腳步走多遠,在人的腦海中,只有故鄉的味道,孰悉而頑固,他就像一個味覺GPS定位系統,一頭鎖定了千里之外的異地,另一頭則永遠牽絆著記憶深處的故鄉。 這段話道盡了所有的異鄉遊子,內心深處的對故鄉的思念與牽掛。飲食作為一個宅體連結了家庭乃至於人與人之間的情感。這也如同在中國大陸各地一家家的餐廳。餐廳空間成為了宅體,連結了異鄉遊子與故鄉。



Mr Lee Noodle House has 500 restaurants almost largest noodle house brand in China. This is a new concept style of the old brand.

The project is located in Beijing, the designer tried using this new branch to tell a story about Mr. Lee’s Noodle House 60 years ago from China to Taiwan, and to Los Angeles, then around the world and finally back in China. This process is like a big age story, it is the epitome of that era of life. Space layout lean from on America's burger bar, decorative surface material is full of Chinese vocabulary, expecting customers through such collisions provide unique and interesting dining experience.

CONTACT US: golucci@gmail.com