又及 P.S. Restaurant

信写完并已署名后又添上几句,在后添加的几句话下常注明“又及”或“某某又及”。 位于北京中关村的P.S. Restaurant又及餐厅唤起人们校园食堂的回忆, 柔和的绿色系色彩和天然的大理石如同一个有机的调色盘, 提供刚刚踏出校园的年轻学子们心灵加油站, 设计师利旭恒希望提供一个闹中取静的幸福空间。

生活中,记载了各种形形色色的人们, 对于美好事物有着不同的憧憬和渴望。有时候充满着乌托邦式的梦想,不切实际,但毫无疑问,梦想是人类最天真最无邪,一种意识里追求动力的源泉;有时候为了生存, 人们每天都在重复着这些同样的事情, 尽管人们从事的工作不同, 然而所有的这一切无非是为了一个字“好”,为了吃的好、穿的好、身体好、家庭好、过的好、活的好……

设计师的概念是在600平方米的空间中规划成5个功能区块, 除厨房,吧台等基本后场之外, 所有的外场用餐区域以环境心理学的模式呈现,每个面向喧嚣都会为主的景观用餐区都被赋予独特的调色盘与窗口来帮助人们审读自我, 同时透过窗口静观这纷扰的城市, 为不同的人们创造一个属于他们自己的心灵加油站。

设计师利旭恒认为, 对于现代时尚餐饮空间的设计, 食客心理因素要优先于生理因素来考虑, 特别是在繁华的都会中心, 用餐当然绝对不只是纯粹的生理行为, 更多的是心理学的反射, 每当用餐时刻, 人们思考的除了美食之外, 同时也再选择一个能让身心完全放松的空间, 在饱餐一顿的时候也能恢复良好的精神状态。

设计师针对都会商业区白领族群的用餐心理, 精心布局四个属性独特的餐区, 各个风格相同手法相异。餐区之间非常注意颜色与材料的运用, 小阁楼餐区全绿色空间, 白色的楼梯通天隐喻人们努力向上的必要性, 躺坐在小阁楼餐区的缆骨头上, 搭配一杯热奶茶, 绝对独享属于自己的身心避风港。

The P.S. Restaurant(Postscript) is one of the hippest restaurant now In Beijing. Main customers come mostly form the younger generation, even the owner also a successful 20 something young man.

Original concept of design is trying to use continuous、geometric surface and intended to creates the most interesting dining experience for young people. On the first floor, White hallways with mercury looking hanging lights break up the continuous green rectangular strips that dress the walls and the ceiling. The designer decided to move the green into glass panels which separate the booths, also making its way to the facade glazing, creating a minty glow ambiance within the space. Ascending to spiral staircase, the second floor has a fresh loungy vibe as the seating changes from booths to individual pod chairs, perfect for socializing and sipping cocktails!  

Designer knows the social phenomenon very well and he delivered the idea of “gathering” in this project. It had already been considered the target clients will be young working adults, so the design has to be vivid enough to attract young people’s taste. Lighting and linear shape could be crucial elements of the restaurant.

CONTACT US: golucci@gmail.com