泰钰丰烤鸭 TaiYuFeng
古魯奇公司近期在天津開發區完成了一個看似詭異卻也有趣的北京烤鴨店”泰鈺豐”。 一家開在異地的北京烤鴨店,設計發想初期我們思考什麼是能夠帶給當地人們既有時尚感還能帶著老中國的印象,酒店空間中的我們最常使用水墨書法等藝術作為空間中國主題概念的裝飾,大家卻冷落了用於創作畫作的文房四寶,因此這回我們想著讓筆筒出出風頭。透過大量的筆筒圍合成非常規的巨大筆筒作為空間裝飾元素,巨量的筆筒掛滿天花版,四面則是從新演繹過的中國藍百寶格作為背景,應該滿是滿滿中國古玩的百寶格內空無一物,這是希望帶給人們想像的空間之外,更帶來一絲文學味。
People often use Chinese ink painting and calligraphy art for restaurant space decoration in Chinese theme. Everyone was snubbed for the creation of paintings Chinese four treasures, Pen, ink, paper and ink stone…So we have idea let pen case become the protagonist of space.
A huge amount of Chinese pen case covered ceiling, the wall by a new interpretation of the Chinese blue Babolat as background. should be filled with full of antique but empty. It is try to bring people imagination, but also of literary taste.