牛公館(一號店) Taiwan Noodle house


“眷村牛肉面” 这样的特殊食物, 当年明明是创新的东西, 却摆放在旧的架构底下被当作老东西看待, 当然这也是在台湾成长的孩子共同的记忆……, 昏黄的灯光, 浓浓外省乡音的老板, 满屋花椒大料与中药材飘香, 大大的青花瓷面碗,  每张桌子上都有一桶的满满筷子的筷桶 , 滚烫的热汤浮满了黄黄的牛油 , 能够塞满整嘴的大块牛肉, 大口咬下弹牙的面条……停不下来。这是20多年前的回忆了 ,  那年老张已经70岁 , 四川绵阳人 , 1949年跟随国民党部队到台湾 , 退伍后离家40年的老张用着对故乡残存的记忆拼凑出属于他家乡的味道 , 这也就是今天的台湾川味牛肉面了。

当时年轻的利旭恒怎么会了解一个离家多年四川老兵的心理想着什么 , 好吃是每回那一大碗一大碗的面带给人们最满足的回忆 。2011年在北京 , 一客户委托设计一个台湾牛肉面馆 , 霎那之间那年吃面的回忆有如顷巢而出, 同时也开始了设计师的回忆工程… 一个充满吃面回忆的面馆。  

关于本案空间, 没有高深的设计理念, 只有回忆, 青花大碗,  筷子, 热腾腾烟雾缭绕, 就是这家面馆的主题, 当年老张从大陆去了台湾, 20年后利旭恒从台湾来到了大陆, 设计师只想在北京用老张的笨方法拼凑当年在故乡吃面的回忆。  


Studio Golucci International Design have completed interior design for the noodle restaurant, located in China. The walls are completely decorated with authentic plates, that creates unique atmosphere.

The Taiwan Noodle house located in Beijing China is not only a place for delicious authentic tasting noodles but it also provides its customers with an unbelievable dining experience that brings them back to their childhood. The stylish and clean design done by Golucci International Design is intended to represent all of the elements of an old school noodle house, the open space, large porcelain bowls, plenty of chopsticks and the hot steam that always filled up the place. The single large dining room encourages customers to socialize and enjoy a quality meal with family and friends. The thousands of plates used to decorate the wall create a reminiscent mood; helping customers understand the sole purpose of this restaurant, which is all about the celebration of memories and tasty noodles.
Just stumbled upon the Taiwan Noodle House restaurant interior by Golucci International Design in Beijing, China. It’s a nice mix between contemporary design with Wegner chairs and Tom Dixon pendants on one side and traditional noodle bowls covering a full wall on the other.

CONTACT US: golucci@gmail.com