粤界海鲜火锅 YueJie Seafood Hotpot
The word “Yue Jie" came from the essence of Cantonese cuisine. Meanwhile, in pursuit of fresh food, it vaguely contains the meaning of "Yue", that is, transcendence, innovation, and constantly divergent imagination from the level of spiritual consciousness, which is also an important concept of this design, —— ‘Crossover’
传统戏剧的仪式感与灵动多变舞台幕布相融合,缔造新中式潮流氛围。而使用跨界元素 - 幕布作为主动线的框架和划分功能区域的介质,进一步放大新中式潮流的可塑性。
图像运用艺术家侯子超为空间量身创作的画作和装置“粤界·打边炉”整体视觉意象取材于《山海经》中《南山经》,在视觉设计中以祥瑞热烈的抽象背景为主题,配有色彩浓郁的植物图案,描绘不同重峦叠嶂的景致,使空间更具艺术色彩, 让食客置身于东方美学的山水意境。
A Good Show
Opera embodies the aesthetic essence of traditional Chinese culture, which surpasses the limits of stage space and time to the greatest extent, "vivid in shape and spirit", and forms a unique and profound cultural heritage. Therefore, the designer holds the original intention of stage design and hopes to extract its unique sense of ritual as crossover elements from the traditional drama.
The curtain from opera art became the medium of dividing the functional areas. Using classic Chinese red, which further magnifies the new Chinese style trend.
“To hear one's sound before one's coming”. The metal hand at the entrance opens the curtain, indicating a good play is about to be staged.
The curtain divides the space into two areas: the dining area and the kitchen functional area. Guests will feel like being part of the play, making a “cross-border" between traditional opera and hot pot, creating a new collision with the new Chinese cultural eating experience.
Art and Food coexist, which forms an interesting bond. The bond between visual and taste.
Paintings and Installations from "Yue Jie” were created by the artist Zichao Hou. The concept came from the classic Chinese text: “The Classic of Mountains and Seas” also known as “Shan Hai Jing”. Inspired by the text, Hou created colorful patterns of plants which gave the designed space an artistic touch.
Bringing white and grey tones into the space adds a sense of lively feeling, while it enhances the original red and gold color of the space.
The installation was made with mosaic collage and neon lights, a combination of “Mythology” and “the crowds” creating a strong visual impact on the audience.
As walking into the space, the window became a focal point of this design. By combining the installation with the window, it depicts the shape of mountains and the ocean, making diners feel like they are eating in a wonderland.